Monday, December 17, 2007

Dear God.....

Mistletoe is such a great idea!
Merry Christmas Mark....I Love You!

Mark's Hallway

Family Lounge and FREE Laundry soap and all!

Horticulture and Ceramic Painting

Put Put Golf

Therapy Board

Patient Dining Room

Monday, Dec. 17th

When Mark came to Jim Thorpe, he had his feeding tube removed. He only had his Colostomy and Foley. After his arrival he has the Wound Vac put back on, to prevent breakdown. He began running a temp and not eating, he was having Foley trouble again. They replaced it and ran some tests, which showed a UTI(again) so they placed him on an antibiotic. He is still running a low grade temp and not eating well. I am sure in a few days he will be getting better.
He is still in isolation due to the MRSA. He has to stay in the room for therapy right now. They are trying to arrange the schedule so he can do his therapy after everyone else, so he does not pass out any of him bugs...Things seem to be slow starting, but showing progress, they do so much it takes a while to get a plan that works for all the therapists.

I took a few pictures of the facility....these are of the aquatic facility...very cool.